Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The "Uncle Sean" Doll

Here is a cute video of Faith and her "Uncle Sean" doll. She came to me after dinner telling me her doll looked like Uncle Sean. She is so funny. I love this little girl. Enjoy Uncle Sean!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Way Past Bedtime

This past Sunday we had the Wright family over for desserts and games. We had a wonderful time. We played a really fun game called Killer Rabbits. It is totally awsome. Anyway as the night progressed we played Mario Kart on the Wii. We then moved on to the funniest part of the evening. We played Americna Idol on the Wii. I can't remember the last time I sang so loud and laughed so much. We finally closed out the night around 2 am with each couple doing a duet. Here is some video of out lovely singing. Let me just say "I AM the next American Idol." :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How to not wake up your kids

This past Sunday was out first Sunday with the new attendance time at church (we had missed the past two Sundays due to sickness). Things went pretty well; I was able to get ready without being rushed or without having to get up at some awful hour. The girls did great with the new time as did Hyrum (but hey he is four months old, not much is going to bother this kid). Poor Charlie though. I had to put him down early,around 10:30 am, for his nap. We are very blessed to have kids that love to sleep almost as much as Jason and I do; Charlie normally will take about a three hour to four hour nap. Unfortunately I had to wake him up after only an hour and a half. He was not happy. Anyway to make an already lengthy story short by the time we finished dinner (around 6:30 pm) he just couldn't hold on any longer. He passed out in his high chair. He was dead to the world. Jason wanted me to share this video of us having to wake him up so we could get him into bed. Poor guy didn't want to be awake. Jason on the other hand loved every moment of it.