Saturday, May 14, 2011

Long Over Due

So in the interest of saving time, I'm going to give you the extreme Reader's Digest version of the past 6 months and just post a ton of pictures.

We start at Christmas, it happened, it was fun, need I say more. We also hosted a totally awesome Christmas dinner. We did a murder mystery. We have way awesome friends!

Jason and I celebrated our 10th anniversary! He missed it, it was lonely, but he sent chocolate covered fruit, once again, need I say more.

Kids kept me on my toes, which may or may not have caused a few gray hairs. Thank goodness for hair coloring.

Charlie turned 4! My little Bubba turned 4, I can't believe it. He had a Toy Story party, which he talked about for weeks after (giving myself a little pat on the back right now).

I'll leave it here. I will be posting a more informative post next about when Jason finally came home and all that went on then.