Thursday, December 13, 2007

Just One of Those Days

Have you ever had one of those days where you wonder, "Why was I in such a hurry to have children?" Today was one of those days for me. After weeks of stressing about the Christmas Enrichment, getting my Christmas cards out on time, wrapping presents and getting all our families gifts mailed out, I had finally got most of it done. Enrichment went well last night (at least I think it did). I managed to get all 65 of my handmade Christmas cards out and I at least finished making our Christmas gifts for family and friends. I thought today was going to be a day of relaxation and a chance to do some fun stuff with the kids. It started off great, Jason let me sleep in till 9:30 (I don't think I've slept that late in about 4 years). I also got a nice little surprise from Charlie as well. This morning while I was feeding him his cereal I noticed he had some white stuff in his mouth. Of course like any mother I start trying to dig it out of his mouth. It was at this point I realized it wasn't going to come out because it was his very first two teeth. That's right, my little man has cut both of his bottom front teeth. He has been so good that I didn't even know he was teething. I was so excited, so of course I called just about everyone I knew to share the news. I love how it never gets old experiencing all your children's firsts.
After breakfast I got to look at houses on-line (one of my favorite things to do). I was researching homes in Virgina (Jason got a job offer there). It was so much fun. Then it was off to take a nap. Let me just say that I love my hubby for letting me take the "day" off (Jason works nights, so he's home during the day). It was after this glorious nap that the trouble began. Have any of you ladies out there ever notice that nothing ever goes wrong with the kids or the house while your husband is home? It always goes down the toilet when he's "conveniently" at work. I digress; the girls and I get up from our naps and I sit them down with a snack and a short video. I go to clean up the kitchen so I can cook dinner later. I hear Emma start crying in the living room, I shout to Faith to leave her sister alone (I just naturally assume Faith is once again tormenting her sister). Faith answers back that she's not doing anything to Emma. I of course don't believe her. I walk into the living room ready to make some heads roll and what do I see, but poor little Emma covered in throw-up as well as her much loved blankie (I felt extra jerky at this point for yelling at Faith). I go to get a wipe to clean up her hands and face when she throws up again. This time it misses her blankie and lands on my freshly washed carpet. I run back over to her, pick her (always keep them facing out that way you won't be covered in it too) and make a break for the bathroom. In the process of turning her around she throws up again and it hits more of my carpet as well as the couch. I then say a few choice words as I am running her down the hallway. I guess her body wasn't happy with just placing its contents in my living room, it decided it needed to occupy the hallway as well. We finally made it to the bathroom and into the tub. Then Faith wants to get into the bath with her sister. Fine with me, now I can hurry up and clean the bright purplish and red vomit out of my carpet. Oh, wait Charlie is due to eat in like five minutes....nope spoke too soon he wants to eat now. I'll clean the carpet first then feed him. I'm scrubbing, scrubbing, scrubbing, still scrubbing. The phone is ringing. I hear too much splashing from the tub, I'd better go check. I walk into the bathroom. I yell "GOD BLESS AMERICA". Why is this bathroom floor covered in water? The girls so sweetly say, "I don't know." Ok, clean up the floor, then finish the living room then feed Charlie. I finally finish both floors and am on my way to get Charlie when the girls decided they want out of the tub "RIGHT NOW!!!" Ok, get them out real quick. Now finally I can get to Charlie. He's so happy to see me. He has been waiting so patiently. We walk into the kitchen and I see the clock, it is now after 6 pm. Charlie should have eaten two hours before and the girls should be eating right now. AHHHHHHH!!!!
I tell you all this to get back to my original point. Today was one of those days where there was just not enough me to go around. The two hours this all took place in seriously felt like 20 minutes. After the kids were in bed and I sat reflecting on all of this, I remembered a time where no one depended on me to feed them or change them. I remembered how nice it was to be able to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.
Now its 2 am and I have checked on all three of my beautiful angles. Its at this point that I realize that as crazy as it can be, it is all worth it. The joy they bring to my life far out weighs the stress. Besides one day I'll be able to have that freedom I had before children. For now I will relish these crazy family daze.

Here is my little man eating Gerber fruit puffs for the first time. I can't believe how fast he is growing up.

Charlie is also sitting up on his own. Hopefully he'll be crawling by the first of the year. He has started getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth.

He's so cute.

Faith loves her little brother so much. She is so good with him. I know one day she will make a great mom.

The kids got their very first nativity set. It was a gift from Nana and Papa, Thank you. They love it.

My little Emma. I love her little dimples. She loved playing with the nativity set.

Even Charlie wanted to play with it, which means he....

put it right in his mouth to chew on it.


Adam said...

Kelly, our blogs have a lot in common this week- barf, stress, and who gives a crud- we love our babies! Your kids are so cute- I can't believe how big Charlie is! It was so good to see you this week.

Jessica said...

By the way, that was me, not Adam. I ALWAYS do that!

Ali said...

I hear ya, sister!

Shellie said...

Thanks for sharing. I see what I have to look forward to! And yes, I definitely agree with the "nothing ever goes wrong with the kids or the house while your husband is home." So true. :)