Tuesday, August 05, 2008

How blessed I am.

I just wanted to post about how blessed I am to have a wonderful husband. Jason is a wonderful and amazing man. He puts his own wants and desires on the back burner to spend more time with our family. I know he wishes he could play golf more or even get a few hours of reading in a day, but he goes without and doesn't complain (at least not too much). He is always willing to help with the kids and give me a break. He goes to work all day and still has the energy to play with the kids, help me move furniture (I'm going through some serious nesting) and do his school work. He is strong in the gospel and his faith. He is a wonderful example for our son (soon to be sons). I am so thankful that he came into my life. I love you more than words can say. Thank you for putting up with me, for loving me, for being sealed to me and for 10 wonderful years together. I look forward to spending eternity together. I love you.