Monday, November 12, 2007

And the Calling is......

Jason and I had a meeting with the Bishop yesterday morning. I have been called to be the Relief Society 2nd Counselor. I am excited, but definitely scared. I will miss teaching in Primary, but obviously the Lord has other plans for me. Jason also received a new calling. He is now the Elders Quorum 2nd Counselor. He will only be teaching the Gospel Principles class for about another week or two. I know he will miss teaching, but now we can go to the Gospel Doctrine class together.

On a lighter note; can someone please explain to me why kids need a doll that really wets and soils their diaper. Faith saw a commercial the other day for this doll that you feed real food and she really wets and soils her diaper. What stupid person thought that up? Obviously someone who doesn't have children. I went online to research this "thing" and found out the doll costs like $50.00. HELLO, MCFLY. Who spends that kind of money on a doll that is just going to end up in the pile of other dolls they don't really play with anymore. In case that's not bad enough, then you have to buy the food on a regular basis and you have to buy it diapers. I DON'T THINK SO!!!! I already hate buying diapers for my real children, I'm definitely not about to buy them for a doll. I would love to smack the person who thought up this idea, it was probably a man:) Just thought I would leave that for you to ponder.


Jonathan and Rachel said...

Kelli -- I'm sure glad I started out with a boy!! He only gets to play with dolls if we are at someone else's house :) I'm so excited for you and Jason and your new callings -- what exciting adventures -- and in just a YEAR -- you are both so faithful to the Lord and he is ready to shower even more blessings upon you guys! We miss you already -- we'll have to go for girls night out more often!!

Carolynn said...

Congrats on your new callings! Now Jason and Mike share the same calling. Your pictures from your sealing turned out SO GREAT! I am so happy for you and glad we got to talk, even if it was for just a few minutes.

Jessica said...

You are funny. I'm with you. Who needs to buy more diapers?

Shari Davis said...

Congratulations on the callings! You both are wonderful people and will do many great things for the church!

Ferret said...

You guys will do so wonderfully with your new callings! Your family is so blessed.

I couldn't agree more about the dolls. Josh and I were watching the commercial for a new potty doll and it squirted in the moms face and they were all laughing. Why?!? It will never make sense to me.

We love you guys!

Bastianclan said...

Congrats on your new calling Kelli that is awesome... We will be working together for the christmas party. I love your family pic from your sealing. Aweee what a cute family.